
Note:  With our official "Gay Into Straight America" journey completed, all of our future events will be posted on our website Stand UP Speak OUTPlease visit and click on the Events icon.  If you are interested in having us speak or present a workshop, click here to contact us.

Gay Into Straight America will be continuously updating and adding events as we travel throughout the country.  Only upcoming events are listed below; events that have taken place drop off this page.

In addition to specific events, much of our journey will consist of day-to-day interactions, as we travel and create authentic connections with people.  It is called the "attractor factor" and it happens "easily and naturally" as we remain open to attracting those who are wrestling with their understanding about GLBT persons, or those who are wrestling about being a GLBT person and fully accepting their authentic self.

Looking for examples of this attractor factor?  Following are two.

Click here for an example of a person wrestling with their own understanding of GLBT persons.

Click here for an example of a person wrestling with acceptance of living fully as their authentic self.

Sep 30, 2005 - Oct 7, 2005
Oregon -- Here we come!
Dotti Berry

We will arrive in Portland, Oregon on October 1 for several days before travelling to McMinnville and Salem.    

Note:  We were legally married Portland, Oregon on March 7, 2004, before our marriage was voided

Here is an interesting piece of information about "marriage" in Oregon. Following is a true story, received from the wife of a minister who married a trans couple last year in Oregon.

"We had good news from the trans couple my husband married last year.  I think I told you, they had been together 30 years (bride female; groom F to M).  The F to M wrote a letter to Multnomah County, asking for a refund of their $60.00 license fee, and explained his whole situation: that he has been transitioning in stages, but that had not completed sexual reassignment surgery, and therefore, could not change his birth certificate; and that he had checked "Male" on his application.   He explained that he has been living as a male, so recognized by the community and that his drivers license has been legally changed.  A few days ago they came over to show us a letter from Multnomah County which said:
"It is very rare for individuals to contact the County indicating they have provided false information on a marriage license.  When the County is contacted about such matters, no action is taken because the County does not possess the authority to alter a marriage license filed with the State.  Because, on its face your marriage license appears to be valid, the County cannot refund the $60.00 licensure fee." 
So, if the county does not possess the authority to alter a marraige license filed with the state, why did they have the authoritiy to do so in our case?  Please don't get me wrong...I am ecstatic for this couple, and believe this was the appropriate action. 
We did receive our $60.00 refund (without requesting it), and made a copy of the check before depositing it into our account, knowing that in a few short years, people will not believe that this could have happened!

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