Support Raising eBoard

Reaching up and out to help
That is the opportunity this page offers. It is designed to provide creative tax deductible tools and packages that help us directly promote the initial project of our non-profit Stand UP Speak OUT, Inc., and keep us on the road. There are a variety of ways to help. You can also give through our Levels of Giving program, or help through purchasing our fundraising products such as T-shirts and rainbow wristbands.
Monthly Donation one dollar a day $30 a month for one year |
FOOD $125.00 per week for 2 people |
CELL PHONE SERVICE $100.00 per month $50 for Dotti's & $50 for Roby's
TANK OF GAS A tank of gas for the Suburban is estimated to cost:
30 gal. tank @
$3.00 / gal.
LODGING Campground Fees $50.00 |
Copy Materials (for handouts) $40.00 per month
An oil change for the Suburban is estimated to cost:
Unforeseen situations...or Just Because you want to support us!
$20.00 - $200.00
or whatever amount you choose!