In-kind Gifts
Just look what people have offered so far!

- A purple Suburban!!! Thanks Janice & Michele!
It now sports "Two women and a poodle" magnetic signs.

A Scotty Trailer!! Thanks Sandy & Barb (L-R; Barb, Sandy, Dotti, Rylee Joy & Robynne)
Hard Labor on the Scotty: thanks Bob & Miriam Sapp (Roby's parents). Bob, what would we have done without you? Yes, indeed, you ARE a good Dad! And thanks, Miriam, for encouraging him as he helped us. We know how important that is. Click here and read about how he helped.
Nan Macy Film Productions Nan has gifted us with the making of a documentary about Gay Into Straight America
Legal services
Jennifer Willner - Legal Counsel Willner Law Firm P.S. Crown Plaza Building - Floor 4 114 W. Magnolia Bellingham, WA 98225 Phone: (360) 392-3995 Cell: (360) 920-4573 Fax: (360) 392-6005 Need a living will, or other help? Give Jennifer a call!
House sitting service from the best neighborhood anywhere! Thanks to each of the following who gracioiusly agreed to care for our home: Shelly, Wendy, Michelle & Justin, Laura, Tara & Steve, Dyna & Brad, and Lynn & John. We are on several lists offering our home for a family who lost theirs in one of the hurricanes, but have not been matched thus far. If you know of someone, please let us know by contacting us at
Landscaping Services (winterizing yard) from Jayne Uerling, 360-592-2320 also owner of Top Drawer Events (contact her at for the best Women's New Year's Eve party in the northwest...or anywhere!)
- Airline miles from those of you who have accumulated lots of them; check with any of your corporate friends who fly a lot and see if they can help us. This will allow us to fly (at any moment) to a particular area to do a talk/workshop as we travel and help us be flexible with our schedule.
- Cell phone service
- Wireless Internet service (never mind ... Panara Bread has become our "office away from home" with free wireless
- Power Point Projector for Presentations
- Trailer for hitching to the suburban -- don't need now; it has been
donated! (see above)
- Dog Food for Rylee - Several have donated on Rylee's support raising page ... thanks!
- Lodging - if you know of anyone who would offer a resort or bed and breakfast get-a-way package at a gay owned or gay friendly place, let us know as we will need rejuvenating along the way!